Prohibition Era
Prohibition Era
Gangsters, bank robbers, organized crime and economic depression shaped this era of semi-automatic pistols, double-action revolvers and of course the infamous Tommy gun, perhaps the most recognizable firearm during the period. With Art Deco, Speakeasies, fedoras, flashy suits and jazz rounding out the aesthetic of the Prohibition era, the industrial and consumer boom al-so led to an advance in firearms capabilities. These guns were a favorite of many whether it was G-men or street hoodlums wielding these impressive and elegant guns.
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Featured Gun: Smith & Wesson .38 Chiefs Special Revolver Model No. 36
The Smith & Wesson model 36, also known as the “Chief’s Special,” is one of the most distinctive revolvers to emerge from the 20th century. These easily concealable revolvers have distinct characteristics and are synonymous with both law enforcement and the hoods they pursued. These revolvers were designed with a snub-nose barrel, which makes it […]
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